Serving Up Victory: Impactful Strategies for Opposite Hitters in 2024

Last Updated: February 26, 2024

Often referred to as the right side hitter, the opposite hitter is an offensive position attacking right in front of the setter, yet the player also has a significant role in defense.

Given the obvious location on the right side, the opposite hitter will face the setter. Their main role is to smash powerful attacks, hence their importance in offensive strategy.

The position has evolved overtime, meaning there are countless strategies that have adapted to today’s demands.

opposite hitter strategies

Here are some of the most impactful ones in today’s volleyball.

6 Opposite Hitter Strategies

Observe and Adapt

Back in the day, there wasn’t much an opposite hitter had to learn. It was a mix of offensive shots and blocking, regardless of the other team. Most opposite hitters had to adapt themselves on the spot.

While the concept hasn’t changed much, becoming flexible is a top-notch requirement these days. However, it’s not random but based on your observations. You’ll have to analyze opponent strategies and try to anticipate them.

Like any other team, there will be patterns out there, so you’ll have to identify them yourself.

To be a successful opposite hitter, you need to be a strategic thinker as well. It sounds difficult, but it becomes fairly simple for some. The more games you analyze with this focus on your mind, the easier it will be.

Whether you’re assessing your next opponent’s previous games or just random games, focus on identifying patterns and developing strategies based on what you observe.

Get Ready to Surprise

Just like you’re observing the opponent defense, the opponent offense will keep an eye on you and your hits. This means that if you’re specialized in one type of hit or a certain style, defenders will most likely figure it out at some point.

Your hits will be more and more difficult. But then, you need to be versatile. As you observe the opponent team, make sure you have at least three different hitting styles. More is better, of course. Train on them and try to master every single one of them.

To surprise the opponent, use a different style whenever you hit. While it’s recommended to try surprising the opponent defense, you also need to adapt your hits based on your previous observations.

Versatility is a Must

Talking about versatility, it’s extremely important to be as effective as possible. These days, positions are no longer specialized in one thing or another. Just because you’re an opposite hitter doesn’t mean your role is offensive only.

To diversify your style, try to develop a few other different skills. For instance, you’re close to the net, so you should also be very precise when it comes to blocking.

At times, you may have to serve. Practise and develop a strategic serving technique. Simply put, you must be both offensive and defensive, so work on your capabilities to turn into a well-rounded attacker.

Simulate Decisions Under Pressure

Just because you keep working on becoming more versatile doesn’t mean you’re the only one. Sure, some players try to become best at what they do rather than diversify their skills. But then, there will be top players with multiple skills, and those are your top challenges.

To avoid surprises, you need to be ready for all kinds of unexpected situations.

In your drills, focus on training routines under pressure. Your coach should be able to challenge you in all kinds of simulation games. The more pressure you’re facing, the better you’ll become. Train your ability to make quick decisions under pressure, simple as that.

There are two things you need to remember here: observe and adapt.

Balance Over Power

Every opposite attacker will count on exquisite force, overemphasizing power. It used to be the right approach years ago, but things have changed a little. Volleyball is more versatile than ever, so skill requirements have adapted as well.

Power is still essential for an opposite hitter, of course, but it’s not everything. Instead, what you need to focus on is a balanced approach.

When you only go for power, your skill never changes. Your style will remain the same overtime, while your power will increase. This means you’ll be more and more predictable as you face different teams. As they study you, they’ll observe the exact same style over and over again.

In the long run, the opponent defense can counter your attacks in a more effective manner, hence the necessity for extra balance.

Recommended: Tactical Tips for Opposite Hitters to Crush the Competition

Moreover, being a balanced player means you’ll also be able to adapt when needed.

Balance will also allow you to move or jump rapidly in any direction.

Anticipate the Setter

Don’t just wait for the setter to pass the ball by the net. You’ll have to anticipate their moves. You’ll need to read signals. Simply put, while volleyball is a team based sport, you must pay more attention to the setter than to everyone else.

You might as well develop your own strategies together to ensure a top-notch collaboration.

Besides, at times, you may have to take over and become a setter yourself, so learn from them and work on this skill.

Related: Most Common Mistakes Opposite Hitters Must Avoid


It’s pretty obvious volleyball has become more versatile over the past years, and positions have adapted. The opposite hitter makes no exception, either. It’s an attacking position with a strong defensive approach, a position that requires perfect observation and lots of versatility for success.

So stay updated on the up-to-date techniques, strategies and training methods. By possessing the blend of abilities, mental resilience and physical readiness opposite hitters can maintain their significant contribution, in the fast-paced sport of volleyball.

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